Activism for Social Transformation
Funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS)
The project consists of creating a training course for social change. The objective of the course was to teach people how to be more active in civic society and raise awareness about principles of a healthy society. The course will be 12 weeks long with a target audience of about thirty students. However, due to Covid-19 restrictions we had 15 students. The course material will be based on the book ‘Tools to Change the World’ that was provided to the students whilst the course will be hosted at Ananda Marga Yoga Society Centre (Gzira). Through this course, the trainer Andrea Muscat engaged members of Maltese civil society to become more active in bringing about a positive social change and working to help others lead a more prosperous life.
The purpose of these interactive training sessions is to incite constructive and informed debate, engaging those interested in holistically analysing perceptions on socio-economic issues of the day. Ananda Marga Yoga Society and ACT Malta members participated in the training course. The session was interactive. The course gave knowledge about cooperative, healthy economy, Ethics for social transformation, holistic perspectives and other topics of the book, Tools to Bring the Change.
The participants was inspired to work together to achieve the goal. The developed ideal leadership skills through the course. It gave networking and collaboration opportunities. The participants committed their time to volunteer in community service works. The event was educational and cultural. People learned the art for self development through meditation.
The event gave opportunities to the participants to engage in constructive solutions of the current problems. The participants decided to support the local economy. The participants were diverse group of people who have been living in Malta.
The Facebook event page and Google Ads was created. The event was advertised in the Google and Facebook. The training course was published on the front page of
With SIS funds of the MCVS we purchased projector, books and marketing materials.
Activist for Social Transformation was postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, the project was completed. It was extended up to the end of March 2021. The course completion was done in February 2021. As preparatory activity, Proutist Universal Malta designed the courses and assigned a well versed trainer.
Activism for Social Transformation course include 12 modules that was interactive. The participants discussed about and presented the solutions. The sessions were interactive. They decided to get involve in the activities with community service projects. They will teach others what they learned.
The marketing was done through the Facbook page, Google Ads and Website. The event was visible. SIS and MCVS was promoted. Banner was also designed and printed. The Facebook likes increased to the Facebook marketing.
The training cource was open for all through the Facebook Page. The participants were recruited through the Facebook event Page. After the event people were interested to become members and olunteers. We gave sign up sheets to the participants to become members.
The Local Malta community benefited with the training course. The participants are getting involve in the community service project. The new participants benefited. Proutist Universal Malta, MCVS, AMYS, ACT were benefited. The organisation have been engaged in sustainability projects.
SIS project, Activism for Social Transformation funded by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sectors was fruitful. It gave chance to meet people of PU Malta, AMYS and ACT including new participands to know about the activities of the organization and MCVS project. New participants joined PU Malta and offered to help in future activities. PU Malta purchased projector, which was useful to give the PowerPoint presentation. It will be useful for the future activities of the organization. A banner was designed and printed due to SIS funds that will be used for marketing purpose in future activities. Many participants learned about sustainability, healthy lifestyles, ethical behaviors and local economy. Some of the youth changed their life. They quit using alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes and harmful substances. Facebook page like page was 300 due to Facebook Ads event page. Google Ads also helped a lot to attract many people to know about MCVS funded SIS project Activism for Social Transformation.
AST project gave opportunity for networking among the voluntary organisations. The participants learned about maximum utilisation of natural resources and participated in discussion.
The participants shared their vision for sustainable development of Malta. We got two youth volunteers who would like to volunteer with Proutist Universal Malta’s service projects. They are willing to take leading roles to collaborate with local council and other NGOs to achieve the sustainable development goals.
More training courses will be designed and given to people.
The participants learned about different culture and language to bridge the gap between different communities. The participants who attended the course were from different backgrounds. So it was a great opportunities to learn about each others culture and languages. People would participate in future Prout project research work.
When the COVId 19 started Proutist Universal Project coordinator was in the Contact with the Funding Officers. The organisation managed the problems.
It was the first project of Proutist Universal Malta. It was a great learning experiences. The organisation will be able to do such projects in future.
Shambhu Sharan
Proutist Universal Malta
Activism for Social Transformation Project Report by Proutist Universal Malta on Scribd