Past projects

  1. Activism for Social Transformation – The project is 12 weeks training course at Gzira, Malta is completed. “This project has been funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS).”
  2. Sustainable living and wellnessThe Ministry of Justice, Equality and Governance, Malta awarded PU Malta for the Achievers 2020 scheme, a financial scheme for the welfare of youngster, for providing a training course in 2021. The Sustainable living and wellness project has been funded by the Achievers Scheme 2020 by the Ministry of Justice, Equality and Governance, Malta. Register Here.
  3. Eco Literate: European Union Programme Agency, EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Eco Literate, Project reference number: 2023-1-MT01-KA210-YOU-000154780. under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 210 for the year 2023 to 2024.
  4. Europe Through the Eyes of an Immigrant: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Europe Through The Eyes of an Immigrant Project reference number: 2023-2-MT01-KA152-YOU-000168259 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2023 to 2024. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Europe Through The Eyes of an Immigrant takes place in Malta on March 15 to 23, 2024.
  5. Youth Bridges: Hands Reaching for the Future through Diversity and Inclusion: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project Youth Bridges: Hands Reaching for the Future through Diversity and Inclusion project reference number: 2023-2-MT01-KA153-YOU-000168031 for funding under Key Action 153: Mobility for youth workers for the year 2023 to 2024. Erasmus+ Training Course, Youth Bridges: Hands Reaching for the Future through Diversity and Inclusion takes place in Malta on May 8 to 12, 2024.
  6. We are part of the solution for nature – European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, We are part of the solution for nature, project reference number: 2023-3-MT01-KA154-YOU-000178259 for funding under Key Action 154: Youth participation activities for the year 2024.
  7. Be healthy – Be happy: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Be healthy – be happy,  2023-1-MT01-KA152-YOU-000142231 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2023 to 2024. Be healthy – be happy takes place at Kobuleti, Georgia on October 2 to 9 and Marsaxlokk, Malta on November 8-15, 2023.
  8. New Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Through Empowerment of Young People – European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project New Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Through Empowerment of Young People project reference number: 2023-1-MT01-KA152-YOU-000148296 for funding under Key Action 153: Mobility for youth workers for the year 2023 to 2024. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange N.E.E.T takes place in Turkey on March 1 to 11, 2024.
  9. Advancing Competencies for Training and Inclusion of NEET’s through Youth Work: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Advancing Competencies for Training and Inclusion of NEET’s through Youth Work, project reference number: 2023-2-MT01-KA153-YOU-000168096 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility for youth workers for the year of 2023 to 2024. Training Course A.C.T.I.V.E. takes place in Marsaxlokk, Malta on June 6 to 14, 2024.
  10. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Young people for a green future – European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Young people for a green future, Project reference number: 2022-1-MT01-KA152-YOU000063377, under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2022 to 2024. Young people for a green future takes place in Malta on June 15-20, 2023.
  11. Erasmus + training programme Circular economy for youth: Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project Circular economy for youth, project reference number – 2022-3-MT01-KA153-YOU-00 0095134 for funding under Key Action 153: Mobility for youth workers for the year 2023.
  12. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Green for Youth– European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Green for youth, project reference number: 2022-3-MT01-KA152-YOU-000102929 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2022 to 2023. The Youth Exchange Green for youth takes place at Kobuleti, Georgia on April 11-20, 2023.
  13. Team up to Stop Bullying: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Team up to stop bullying, project reference number: 2023-1-MT01-KA152-YOU-000133242 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2023 to 2024. Team up to stop bullying youth exchange takes place at Marsaxlokk Malta from November 16-24, 2023.
  14. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Equality Equity and Justice – European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Equality Equity and Justice, Project reference number: 2022-2-MT01-KA152-YOU-000091249 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2022 to 2023. The youth exchange Equality, equity and justice takes place at Kobuleti on April 1-10, 2023.
  15. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Learn From Life: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta awards grant to Proutist Universal Malta for the project Learn From Life, project reference number: 2021-1-MT01-KA152-YOU-000010885 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2021 to 2023. See the webpage and contact us at
  16. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Tolerance is a sign of strength – European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects  Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Tolerance is a sign of strength, Project reference number: 2022-1-MT01-KA152-YOU-000065718 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2022 to 2023. The Youth Exchange will take place at Georgia on September 10 – 19, 2022. Contact us at for more information. 
  17. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Media Literacy in Action: European Union Programme Agency, Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta awards grant to Proutist Universal Malta for the project Media Literacy in Action, Project reference number: 2021-2-MT01-KA152-YOU-000037927 under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2022 to 2023. The Youth Exchange will take place at Georgia on October 1 – 10, 2022. Contact us at for more information.
  18. GREENERASMUS: Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for Greenerasmus, project reference number – 2023-1-MT01-KA153-YOU-000130875 funding under Key Action 153: Mobility for youth workers for the year 2023 to 2024. Erasmus first mobility takes place in Ireland on February 11 to 17, 2024 and the second mobility in Malta on March 24 to 30, 2024.
  19. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Guide to you-know-whatEUPA Malta selects Proutist Universal Malta for the project, Guide to you-know-what, Project reference number: 2022-3-MT01-KA152-YOU-000095542. under the Erasmus+ Programme of European Union Key 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals for the year of 2023. The Youth Exchange GTYKW takes place at Xewkija, Gozo, Malta on September 17 to 27, 2023.
  20. Training Course MAKE IT VISIBLE! – DISSEMINATION CAMPAIGN FOR SOCIAL PROJECTS: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organization with the applicant organisation, Muévete por Europa for the Erasmus+ training course MAKE IT VISIBLE! – DISSEMINATION CAMPAIGN FOR SOCIAL PROJECTS. The training course takes place in Mollina, Malaga, Spain on November 18 to 25, 2024.
  21. KA153 Training Course Softpreuner – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organization with the applicant organization Gelecek Hareketi Derneği for the Erasmus+ training course Softpreuner, project reference number – 2023-2-TR01-KA153-YOU000168624. The training course takes place in Istanbul, Turkiye on 1-8 February, 2025.
  22. Youth Exchange Body and Mind: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organization with the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Body and Mind. Youth Exchange takes place at Marsaxlokk, Malta on July 15 to 29, 2024.
  23. Values for education – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation Asociación Creativa‘s Value for education, project reference number: 2021-2-ES01-KA210-ADU-000048437 co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
  24. E-volunteering – a key to be active – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation LEVEL UP’s E-volunteering – a key to be active project, 2020-1-PL01-KA227-YOU096282 that is an Erasmus+ project co-founded by the European Union Program Agency Erasmus+.  The activities will take place in Austria, Poland, Malta and Greece organised by the partner organisation of the countries.
  25. Youth Exchange Youth and Water: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation Karvina Sustainability Czech Republic for the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Youth and Water at Karvina Czech Republic on June 19-27, 2024.
  26. Youth Exchange T.A.L.E.S: Tradition Alive Learning and Expressing Stories – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organization with the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange TALES. Youth Exchange takes place in Portugal Madeira Island, Portugal on May 24 to June 5, 2024.
  27. Erasmus+ Training Course Study-Action Circles – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation Prout Research Institute Portugal for the Erasmus+ Training Course Study-Action Circles on March 4-13, 2024.
  28. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Art empower diversityProutist Universal Malta is a partner organization with the Coordinator organization Die Brücke Des Friedens for the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Art empower diversity at Mönichkirchen, Austria on May 20 to 28, 2024.
  29. Digital Empowerment and Human Rights: Fostering Inclusive Communities through Technology – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with Copernicus Berlin e.V.  for the Training Course Digital Empowerment and Human Rights: Fostering Inclusive Communities through Technology at Budapest, Hungary on April 4-11, 2024.
  30. Mind body in motion – Developing alternative education methods for youth with mental disorders – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the coordinator organization Elazig Schizophrenia Support Association for the training course Mind body in motion – Developing alternative education methods for youth with mental disorders at Sivrice, Elazig, Turkiiye on April 11-19, 2024.
  31. Acro – Inclusion –  KA153 Erasmus+ Project, Mobility of Youth Workers “Acro – Inclusion” will take place in Luxembourg from 9th to 16th May 2024. Proutist Universal Malta is the partner organisation with the applicant organisation Changemakers Luxembourg.
  32. Tools to change the world: Youth Exchange Portugal – Proutist Universal Malta would like to offer opportunities to young people of Malta who would like to participate for the Tools to change the world project in Portugal. Advance Planning Visit – one leader and one participant ( for two days in 2021 date will be announced) YE – two leaders and four participants age, between 18 and 30 from 1st July to 14 July. The TCW project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
  33. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Medi(a)Terranean – The Youth Exchange Medi(a)Terranean gathers 40 youngsters from Malta, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Egypt, Turkey and Morocco. The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Medi(a)Terranean is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
  34.  Erasmus+ Training course EAT (Europe à Table): The TC will take place from 8th to 16th of June 2022 in Serre-Chevalier, France (in a mountainous area). Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation. Contact us at 
  35. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange If clothes had a voice: The YE will take place from 15-19 May 2022 at Ovar, Portugal. Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation DCTR and other participating countries. contact us at
  36. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “E-volunteering simulation: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation LEVEL UP‘s Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “E-volunteering simulation” in Malta on November 6-12, 2022
  37. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Protecting our lungs: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation Amazing Youth, Greece’s Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Protecting our lungs at Greece on August 28 to September 10, 2022.
  38. Inclusive Sports Training for Youth Workers: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with FODISZ (Hungary) at Baja, Hungary on 22-28 August, 2022.
  39. Beekeepers Empowerment through Erasmus+ project – Bee + Beekeepers Empowerment through Erasmus + project has been approved by the Italian national agency (EC Project Number: 2021-1-IT03-KA153-YOU-000021254. The onsite training activities will be held in for five days in October 2022. It will involve five partners including Proutist Universal Malta.
  40. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Mental Health Matters: The Youth Exchange project “Mental Health Matters” was successfully approved. Proutist Universal Malta is a participating organisation with the applicant organisation Unique Projects, Lithuania. The event takes place in Lithuania on March 28 to April 7, 2023.
  41. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Be active, beat obesity – Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organisation with the applicant organisation, Güven Education and Health Foundation of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Be active, beat obesity-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union at Ankara, Turkiye in 2023.
  42. Tools for European ProjectsProutist Universal Malta is selected to participate in the Erasmus+ Training Course on Tools for European Projects co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union at Pinos Genil, Granada, Spain on April 20 to 26, 2023.
  43. TOSCA training course in Ostend, Belgium – Proutist Universal Malta representative participates in TOSCA training course at Ostend, Belgium on October 16 to 2023. 
  44. Seminar in Youth Centre Piispala, Finland – Seminar at Youth Centre Piispala in Kannonkoski Finland on 30.1-3.2.2023. Topic of the seminar is “Engaging Young People Through Interactive Governance and Digital Innovation”.
  45. Building bridges through European Cooperation – Proutist Universal Malta participants attend Pikku Syote hosted Building bridges through European Cooperation seminar co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union at the Youth Center of Pikku Syote on October 10-16, 2022.
  46. Re-thinking Mental Health training course – Proutist Universal Malta participants participate in Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union co-funded training course on Re-thinking mental health at Luxembourg on December 6-14, 2022.
  47. Toys – Thinking Outside YourSelf: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Toys – Thinking Outside YourSelf co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union in Romania on October 11 to 18, 2023. Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organization.
  48. Training Course Erasmus IT – The Training Course Erasmus IT takes place in Cork, Ireland from 28 June to 6 July 2023. 
  49. Canvas for youth – CANVAS FOR YOUTH takes place at Tolocirio, Spain on June 26-3 July, 2023. 
  50. Fostering Resilience In YouthWork Through Podcasting: Proutist Universal Malta is a partner organization with the applicant organisation, Active Youth Arnhem‘s Erasmus+ training course, Fostering Resilience In YouthWork Through Podcasting. The training activity is scheduled in the Netherlands on August 12-20, 2024.