12 week training course for social change
Activism for Social Transformation project is designed by NGO Proutist Universal Malta.
The project, Activism for Social Transformation consists of a 12 week training course for social change. The objective of the course is to teach people how to be more active in civic society and raise awareness about principles of a healthy society. The course material is based on the book ‘Tools to Change the World.’
“This project has been funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS).”
The purpose of these interactive training sessions is to incite constructive and informed debate, engaging those interested in holistically analysing perceptions on socio-economic issues of the day. The training course seeks to empower individuals in civil society with the necessary knowledge to manage social and economic development.
The aim of “activism for social transformation” is to direct civil action by promoting local living and bringing in a holistic perspective.
The aim of “activism for social transformation” is to direct civil action by promoting local living and bringing in a holistic perspective. Firstly laying the ground for personal transformation through teaching cardinal human values and meditation as an activist tool. Then moving on to providing information from a solution-based point of view where the main areas will touch the wealth gap, a healthy economy, worker-owned cooperatives and ideal leadership.
There will be 10 modules each of them closing with an “activist tool” that aims to bring change into the hands of any individual, hereby bringing tangible steps for the participant to apply under their own circumstances. PROUT aims to bring forward global change mainly in the form of grassroots initiatives that promote systems that unifies nature as an integral part of its operation. By teaching others about inner transformation and social activism, these study groups support PROUT in achieving its overall vision. The modules will also assist those who already have a critical eye to sharpen their knowledge and to empower individual as well as collective action.
These sessions can also serve to raise awareness, as networking opportunities for participants and can also generate possibilities for future civic activities and collaborations that could generate opportunities for a practical and holistic lifestyle.
The Ten Modules
Modules are structured as follows:
- Introduction of Social Transformation course
- The right to live (the minimum necessities of life to all rational incentives)
- A holistic perspective
- The wealth cap
- For the welfare of Earth and All living beings
- Ethics for personal and social transformation
- A healthy economy
- Cooperatives can create jobs for all
- Food for all
- Ideal leadership
- Neohumanism (a new definition of progress)
- Evaluation and Reflection of Social Transformation
Tools to Change the World by Proutist Universal Malta on Scribd
People can register through the Facebook page, Activism for Social Transformation.
The course is postponed for December, January and February 2021 due to COVID- 19.
Activism for social transformation report is published here.

This project/publication reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.