Proutist Universal Malta participants Noel Camilleri, Nirmala Lan Hessellund and Cyril James attended the Tools to Bring the Change Youth Exchange at Ananda Valley, Portugal co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of European Union. See the photos on the link,
Non governmental organisation, Proutist Universal Malta is approved to join Erusmus+ Youth Exchange, Tools to change the world project as the partner organisation organised by the NGO AMURT Portugal. The project Tools to Change the World is funded by Erasmus+ European Union Programme Agency.
Eight partners: Armenia, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Malta and Portugal
The application includes four days APV (Advanced Planning Visit online in June, 2021) and 14 days YE (Youth Exchange) from July 1, 2021 to July 14, 2021 and including two travel days for each activity.
APV – 1 leader and 1 participant ( may be in July 2021!)YE – 2 leaders adults and 4 participant age, between 18 and 30.
Event Location- Ananda Kalyani (Ananda Kalyani is located in a gorgeous green valley in the centre of Portugal near the beautiful Serra da Estrela Natural Park).
Those who are interested to participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange program Tools to change the world can contact at The deadline to apply is June 29, 2021.
EC Project Number: 2020-1-PT02-KA105-006657 (Erasmus+ European Union Programme Agency funded project).