The Ministry of Justice, Equality and Governance, Malta awarded Proutist Universal Malta for the Achievers 2020 scheme, a financial scheme for the welfare of youngster, for providing a training course on Sustainable living and wellness in 2021. The target group of the participants is the young people. The three months course will be delivered over 10 weeks and the target audience are youths. The course material to be used will be based on the book Natural Medicine and it will be hosted at the Ananda Marga Yoga Center and Proutist Universal Malta office. Throughout the course, we will engage to create a safe space for constructive dialogue to guide participants to discover practical means away from addictions to promote their well-being in a safe and proactive way.
Our partner organisation is Aġenzija Sedqa. Two sessions, Wise Use of Technology and Stress Management will be offered by Aġenzija Sedqa on Thursday, 30th September from 17:00-19:00 and Tuesday, 5th October from 11:00-13:00. The event is listed on the Facebook page. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88536667569,
Meeting ID: 885 3666 7569
Topic: Wise Use of Technology and Stress Management
“Aġenzija Sedqa aims to increase public awareness of the harm caused by addictive behaviours and imparts skills in order to prevent or to delay the development of such patterns. It also supports persons who have developed an addiction and their significant others to modify their lifestyles so as to lead a healthier and more satisfying life whilst becoming productive citizens within society. Aġenzija Sedqa seeks to do this whilst maintaining high ethical and professional standards in all its interventions with every individual who seeks its assistance.“
The aim of this project is to create a practical positive development training course to provide guidance and support to youths. Positive development refers to change in mindset and thus change in behaviours. The objectives of this training course will be to address some of the risks, such as emotional, recreational and vocational that face many of our youths today. This will be done through the teaching of practical skills such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Participants will also be introduced to the joy of being active participants in the community through providing community service. Course participants will therefore be provided with self-development opportunities that are too often missing in their ‘technology busy’ lives.
The main objective of this project is to offer the participants a healthy option of dealing with the daily stress of life by providing them with strong and healthy tools.
The project Sustainable living and wellness is a natural way of living through exercises, healthy diets and following good habits. which is a possible solution to the significant challenges and pressures facing young people today. The project is based on the science of yoga and therefore tried and tested methodologies.
The expected outcome of this training is to have all course participants equipped with the physical and mental skills to deal with challenges and pressures of life such as peer pressure, job stress, relationship issues, health issues, substance misuse etc.
The content of this training course is based on the books, Natural Medicines and ‘Yoga for health’ and will be presented in a simple well-structured manner to the participants.
The sessions of the course will be based on the following themes:
Theme 1 – Principles of Yoga and Health
Theme 2 – Principles of Mental relaxation and Health
Theme 3 – Practical exercises to be applied at home
Theme 4 – Principles of Nutrition and Health
After the project participants will continue to have a space together with a social network for social support so that they will continue to practice the practical knowledge gained. Thus, an important objective of creating this project is to help participants acquire a holistic healthy lifestyle that can accompany them beyond this youthful period and throughout the trajectory of their lives.
The ‘Natural medicine philosophy offered in this course is the culmination of thousands of years of individual research and practical experience. This ancient and time-tested system of preventive natural herbs offers to course participants the most practical, painless and inexpensive technique for all-round health, peaceful emotions, relief from stress and tiredness, delay of the aging process, more flexible joints, and an increase of the body’s energy and vitality. Yoga for Health can therefore be the key to unlock the door to the hidden potentials within the participants’ own body and mind.
To reach this main objective we will empower participants with the practical knowledge of the science of life and its relationship with health. We aim to accomplish this through delivering a relevant, engaging and effective way of learning.
We have the following objectives:
- To offer practical and interactive, learning through application approach workshop sessions.
- To help the young people realize a sense of inner happiness and peace through the course.
- The course will offer individuals the opportunity to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and to find healthy solutions to deal with their weaknesses.
- At the end of the course, participants will be able to have a clear understanding of their life priorities together with a set of highly effective skills for relieving stress so as to help them manage this important transition period of their life.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the course throughout its implementation and not just at the end. This will be done through gathering participants’ baseline information on their knowledge of the course content. This will be done on the first session through a short questionnaire.
- Adjusting the course delivery accordingly through the feedback received during its implementation.
- At the end of the course, there will be a concluding session for the reflection of the knowledge and skills gained.
- To help the participants understand the important role each one of us plays in building a healthy society.
- To provide a training course that targets young people and their role in helping to build stronger communities and thus society.
- To contribute to the Achievers Initiative by providing an innovative and creative training course. Although there are many health related courses that include yoga and mindfulness classes, this project is innovative and creative and one of its kind both in its comprehensive theoretical and practical content, its delivery, and the follow up.
Participants interested to join the Sustainable living and wellness course between September to November can email at info@pumalta.org.
The project is co-founded by The Ministry of Justice, Equality and Governance, Malta. You can see the event on the Facebook page. The Sustainable living and wellness training course begins on Saturday, September 11 from 19:00 – 21:00 at Ananda Marga Yoga Center Gzira, 84 St Albert Street.
To register to participate at Gzira visit registration form, To participate at Proutist Universal Malta office at Birkirkara, register here.
Donate for the Sustainable living and wellness project via bank transfer.
Account Name: Proutist Universal Malta
Address: 45 Fleur De Lys, Birkirkara. BKR 9062 Malta
Bank (name): Bank of Valletta
Bank address: Bank of Valletta, Triq Tal-Ibraġ, Is-Swieqi, SWQ 2030, Malta
Account IBAN number: MT91VALL22013000000050003857954
Type of Account: Current account