Mattia Coppola participates in voluntary service program of Proutist Universal Malta

Italian psychology major student Mattia Coppola joins internship with Proutist Universal Malta on July 4, 2022. Mattia received his Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques with honors from the Kore University of Enna on July 27, 2022.
Coppola said he joined with the Non-Governmental Organisation Proutist Universal Malta in July 2022 for six months.
“I think that it is a good opportunity to help other people, but also improving my knowledge, communication and English language skills,” Coppola said. “My goal is to live this experience in the best way.”
Mr. Coppola said he found Proutist Universal Malta with the Hermes Corporation that helped me to discover this important NGO. He has been helping weekdays to feed homeless people at the homeless shelter, Birkirkara. He helps with organising Proutist Universal Malta events and manages the Instagram page of the organisation.
Coppola said he likes Malta.
“I like Malta because it is so small and so big at the same time,” Coppola said. On one hand people can go around the island very quickly for the short distance and on the other hand people can find all kind of activities they want to participate.
While participating in volunteering service work of Proutist Universal Malta Coppola met with international people living in Malta.
“I know a lot of people. Coppola said. I enjoy my work, I have good experiences and I had the possibility to visit different places of Malta.
Proutist Universal Malta offers volunteering opportunity for students and youths to participate in its voluntary service works as well as enhance their knowledge to become more efficient.
“I like volunteering because I can help who need something to survive in this difficult world,” said Coppola.
Written by Shambhu Sharan